Pirateiro is a leading torrent search engine dedicated to providing you with access to the vast world of torrents. We take pride in our commitment to delivering an exceptional user experience. Unlike some other websites, we don't host or store any torrent files on our servers. Our mission is simple: to help you find the content you're looking for quickly and efficiently
Our team continually works to enhance our search algorithm, ensuring that you get the results you want. We crawl some of the biggest torrent websites online, ensuring you have access to a wide range of torrents.
At Pirateiro, transparency is important to us. We want you to know that our indexing process is entirely independent, meaning we have no control over what the bots discover. This independence ensures that you get the most comprehensive and unbiased search results.
It's worth noting that Pirateiro is still in beta, and we're dedicated to making it better and bigger with time. As part of our commitment to serving you, we incur monthly expenses of $120 to keep Pirateiro available and accessible. Our development efforts are provided free of charge, and your generous donations play a significant role in supporting us.
Your support means the world to us, and it helps us continue to improve and expand our services. Together, we can make Pirateiro your go-to destination for all your torrent search needs.